Brilliant! so same as us — when would suit — we are in class on Mondays from 12.30 till 4.30 and Weds 11.30 till 2. D

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I've emailed you now...

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was just wondering Graeme, if you would be interest in a zoom link with my class for bit of sonic philosophy?

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Cool - I'll email you!

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Brilliant Graeme, that's fab!

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brilliant, sharing some of this with my soundtracks and sound design students in Cork

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Please do, thank you. We've also got all of the recent sound design posts in one place here: https://unfoundvideo.substack.com/p/sound-design


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amazing concept — been making films in many forms for millions of years and although subconsciously aware something like this going on, have never realised it

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Yes! A conspiracy of magic little 'boxes' pretending to be something they're not... cinema's own Flat Earth theory. Glad it resonated with you, David!

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great — where are you (time zone wise)

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London... in fact, Greenwich itself.

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